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11th Gillingham Scout Group

Creepy Claws

Visit to the 11th Beavers and Cubs

The beavers and Cubs were excitedly awaiting a visit from insects, spiders and snakes which were brought by Michael (owner of Creepy Claws). The evening was a great success with all present introduced to two snakes, a bullfrog, cockroach, skinny pig (similar to a guinea pig but with no hair), a lizard, hedgehog and a tarantula. Michael spoke to them about all the animals and what they feed them on and allowed the young people to touch the animals if they wanted to. Most were happy with the snakes, bullfrog, skinny pig, hedgehog and lizard but the cockroach caused quite a stir until the leaders started to touch it, and the tarantula was a great favourite with all and they had the choice of holding him or having him placed on their head. The skinny pig was originally developed by laboratories for testing of cosmetics and was rescued, and he now has 20 of them. When you touched it you could feel it shiver due to the warmth of the hand.

All in all, a great evening and the young people got to learn about different varieties of animals and their eating habits plus areas where they lived. More worrying was the statement that with the change of our climate then it would not be long before a lot of these animals will be native in Britain.

Chris Powell



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